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Could You Use Some Free Advertising

Could you use 6,000 ad pieces printed and mailed for FREE Here is the plan that allows you to get your information printed and mailed free, plus reduce the cost of your own mailing to ZERO. Locate an offset printer in your area or by mail order in one of the many mail order publications, who will print both sides of a eight ½ x 11 sheets for $25.00 per 1,000. We will then have them run the following ad over your name in various mail order productions: "CO-OP PRINTING (our ad on back side) 1,000 two 1/2 X five 1/2, ONLY $ 5.00. SEND CAMERA-READY COPY TO: (your name and address).

" "CIRCULARS PRINTED (our ad on back side). 1,000 3X6, ONLY $ 5.00 SEND CAMERA-READY COPY TO: (your name and address). On a 8 ½ x 11 sheet of paper, you can get six three x six circulars, received from responses to your ad, plus six 3x6's on the other side FREE! Have the printer cut them into six three x 6's, 1,000 each.

Send 1,000 to each of your customers. You will get 6,000 copies of your side printed for FREE and mailed by your customers for FREE! Six responses to your ad will give you $30.00; $25.00 for printing and cutting and $5.00.

00 for mailing circulars to your customers. When printing and postage cost goes up again, adjust you are pricing accordingly. Check the mail order publications to see what others are getting for similar programs. Stay with the competition in setting you are pricing structure. There is another way to get your circulars mailed free.

As soon as you can afford it, become a supplier of common circulars. The easiest way to do this is to take "all profit" offers and have circulars printed on two sides. Have your own name and address printed On the one side. On the other side, leave a space for a rubber stamp imprint.

Offer these circulars to circular mailers on a commission basis. The Circular Mailers keep a commission from 50% - 100% on their side and you make your profit on your ad placed on the reverse side. Use the same method for any offers you develop for yourself. You can reach these mailers by advertising in or subscribing to several mail order Trade Magazines and ad sheets.

Another way to locate mailers for your literature is to notice the ads by mailers. Usually, at the bottom of their ads they state "COMMISSION CIRCULARS MAILED FREE, which means they get one side of the mailer and you get the other, as above. If you really want to start using this method, take two, "all profit" offers, one on each side, and give the mailer 100% on one side. You still make your profit on the other side. If your interested in obtaining additional commission circulars for yourself, include "COMMISSION CIRCULARS MAILED FREE" in your ads.

Still another way to get your literature mailed free is to include this little note on all you are advertising at the end of the copy - "STAMP APPRECIATED" It only costs two words, but could save you a great deal in postage. If you are advertising in Trade Publications or ad sheets use "S.A.S.

E" which means Self Addressed Stamped Envelope. The savings for envelopes, addressing and these cans add up fast. Many small dealers use this method exclusively, even in large circulation magazines. They have been using it for years and it still works! Copyright (c) 2007 Chris Sullivan.

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