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Home Business Success Depends on Your Skills

To become a successful Network Marketer you must have a number of skills that go beyond just those of sales, computers and training. Network Marketing is not the same game as it was a decade ago. Back then the focus was on the product.

All the network marketing companies taught you how to sell the product; good, new or the latest one going. And you did so by simply convincing your prospect on their value. Often this was done in someone's home, at a hotel conference room, or standing in the line at the grocery store.

Then along comes the Internet. Marketing on the internet became less personal. It was still about the product, however the biggest selling point with many of the new opportunities is "no phone calls, no talking to anyone.

" Some how we've lost what the idea of what Network Marketing is all about. By the very virtue of its very name, "network marketing" means to network with people, to connect. A skill you still should possess if you're going to be in the game.

So what skills do you want Teamwork - you need to be in the mindset of team. It can't be all about you or the money. For you to be successful you need to help others and ensure that what you are providing will enhance there lives. The old style network marketing sales person doesn't think like this which causes their lack of success with MLMs. Network Marketing is about relationships. Period.

end of story! That's why the old school theory of "throw enough mud against the wall and see what sticks" does not work. You need to be willing to commit to the success of others- 100%. This truly is the power of the MLM! Always knowing that whatever you contribute to others will come back to you-ten-fold! People will do what you do, so lead by example.

Listen - you need to develop the art of listening. When you ask someone "how they are, or what they've been up to" really listen to the answer. In that response is a wealth of gold.

When you 'listen' you hear what is really important to them, where their feeling some pain, what their dreams are, and from that you know how you may assist them. Now that's not to say that you listen and then pounce on them to sell your product as a solution to anything. This will only result in resistance to your product or opportunity. So your first objective should be to build rapport. Sometimes that takes time and won't happen on the first meeting. The more you know about the person and find in common with each other the more likely you will build that relationship and trust.

So keep asking questions until you understand their emotions and how your product can serve them. Making the Sale A natural flow of conversation will turn to you. They will ask you what you do for a living.

This is the time you can open with enough information to peak their interest. You never want to sell them; people hate being sold. Don't show and tell your product; speak to the benefits as it applies to them. Understand if your prospect wants an opportunity or are they better suited as a product user. Most of all keep the focus on the prospect not the product or opportunity.

Finally, if you have mastered these two important concepts you will be successful in any Network Marketing opportunity. And in the end your prospects and your team will understand that Network Marketing goes way beyond the product. Honor yourself; learn these two powerful skills and create new possibilities for you and all those you touch.

Bob and Cindy are both home based business entrepreneurs with 15 years experience in owning Real Estate and Network Marketing businesses. You can own your own business today that provides residual income for your future. To learn more about how you can secure your financial future... Go to: http://www.ThingsLookGreatIn2008.com For advice and strategies on building success with your online business visit our blog at http://www.BuildingOnlineBusinessSuccess.com

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